Weight: 326.6 pounds
Loss since 8/12/14 (196 days): 89.4 pounds
Loss since top weight (423.6 on 9/13/10): 97.0 pounds
Percentage of goal lost: 44.70%
Caloric limit: 2040 per day (reduced)
Next Milestone: Lose 76 pounds (making it the biggest weight loss I have had in my life)
Next Milestone: 100 pounds lost (50% of goal)

Target Date: October 24, 2015 (242 more days)

Yesterdays food log is HERE

My son Matthew has been dieting and working out like a mad man for some time now… he has lost 63 pounds!

I am so proud of his  accomplishment and dedication…It makes me happy to see that he is taking this seriously and seeing some fantastic results!

I have been struggling with my diet since 2/1/15… basically 3 weeks and I was still hovering around 328… many times my motivation to stick with this has been because of his  dedication and results… I want to do this.. I want him to do this.. to get to wherever he wants to get health-wise… we can hopefully be both inspirational and motivational to each other 😉

I have kicked the diet back into a more severe mode and today am at the lowest weight I have been so far… 326.6… that is 89.4 pounds since August 12th and 97.0 pounds since my all-time high back in August 2010… I am at the lowest weight I have been since before July 2008 (when my records go back to).. here is the chart going back to July 4, 2008…


I never want to be like this again… July 4, 2009 (375ish pounds)

graph 3

I am feeling good… not great but better… at my current average weight loss rate I will hit my next milestone on March 20th.. 24 days from now… I will be happy and celebrating when that happens… the second half will be harder to lose, but I will do it… I will be able to say I have lost 200 pounds!


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