Weight: 348.2 pounds
Loss since 8/12/14 (260 days): 67.8 pounds
Loss since top weight (423.6 on 9/13/10): 75.4 pounds
Percentage of goal lost: 33.90%
Caloric limit: 2040 per day
Next Milestone: Lose 76 pounds (making it the biggest weight loss I have had in my life)
Next Milestone: 100 pounds lost (50% of goal)

Target Date: August 16, 2016 (507 more days)

Yesterdays food log is NON-EXISTENT

Forgive me Blogsphere for I have sinned… it has been 41 days since my last confessi… post…

So I think we have established that when there is a big gap between my posts here it is because I am not doing well.. this time is no different… I completely lost focus and completely stopped trying to stick to any plan… That has caused a gain of 21.6 pounds and put me back to the weight I was at 12/20/14… that means the last 130 days have been for nothing… I can say that this is only a minor set-back.. I can say it isn’t a big deal… but it is.  The biggest, scariest problem here is that I am not in the right mindset anymore… yes it bothers me when I am eating without abandon… but so far not enough to make me stop.  A few months ago I wouldn’t eat anything without logging the calories… i wouldn’t eat if it was going to cause me to go over the calorie limit for the day… now I am not logging and know that I am far exceeding the limit every day… and that is obviously showing in my weight.

So now what?  Well exercise has been a non-factor so far and I have been ‘thinking about doing it… but still not doing it… now (as of 3 days ago) my back is f’ed up (I had a protruding disk found by an MRI quite awhile ago and I have been babying it… gardening irritated it and then pushing clothes down in the hamper was the final straw) and I really can’t exercise… Without exercise as an option my only real choice is to control my diet and by control I mean strict counting and limiting of the calories again… and truthfully my back hurts a little most of the time and hurts a LOT some of the time… to the point where it is hard and painful to just stand… but most of the time I can walk okay with very little or no pain.. so I need to do that.. WALK.. walk as much as possible when I can with little pain.

Diet motivation… so what worked in the past?  Well when this diet started I was fed up with feeling like shit.  I was scared about the way my body felt and that I couldn’t even climb a single flight of stairs without being winded… I was tired of it all… now I don’t feel as bad as I did, so that is less of a motivation… but I can’t wait an do nothing until I gain everything back and feel like that again… I have to suck it up and just do it…

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2 Responses to (Not so) Stealth Diet Update 04/28/15 (Day 260) A long break that I shouldn’t have taken