Weight: 348.8 pounds
Loss since 8/12/14 (105 days): 67.2 pounds
Loss since top weight (423.6 on 9/13/10): 74.8 pounds
Percentage of goal lost: 33.94%
Next Milestone: 76 pounds

Yesterdays food log is HERE

100 days of calorie counting… Results have been good… could have been better but overall results are good.

This chart show my loss and trend line for the last 100 days: Skinnyr111914As you can tell the rate of loss has slowed especially in the last 30 days or so.

This shows my loss since my all time high on 9/13/10SkinnyrHighTo111914The previous big loss on this chart is when I was on Weight Watchers… It was about as dramatic but not as long, getting down to 354 pounds before gaining again…

So it looks like where I am at now is where I failed during Weight Watchers and I think that is mainly because my lack of staying power… my waning motivation… this is where I have to succeed where I didn’t that time.

It is difficult to stick to.. period… when you have lived with horrible eating habits for a long time sticking to relatively normal ones gets hard… there are no tricks to it… no magic pill… it comes down to mind over matter.. sheer willpower… ans this is where I am at now.

I have ‘backtracked’ a lot recently… over the last 100 days I have actually lost 101.1 pounds… which means I have gained back 37.9 pounds in that same period of time.  It is impossible to lose weight everyday without ever gaining anything back, but this shocked me.  Going back to one of my Top 10 Diet Motivators, this video talks about ‘backtracking‘…  Les says “Why do you want to go on that same journey again?”  I have lost focus on this and I need to get that back today!

Going back through my Food Diaries, specifically the ones from the first month, I was eating much simpler, much more often and I had a lot of treats… ice cream cones, salt water taffy, Italian ice, etc… I was also eating more frozen prepared low calorie meals and almost no diet soda… based on all that I need to reevaluate how I am eating as well as what I am eating.

My goal for the next 100 days is to reduce my weight by another 63 pounds (total weight goal of 289.8).  I will meet this goal by focusing on what and when I eat, remaining committed to this journey, trying my best to no ‘backtrack’ and adding exercise to my daily routine.



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