June 27, 2011… today… this is the day that I have to turn my life around.  I have to focus on the big picture while looking at the smaller goals that are needed to achive the monumental goals that I face.  A friend of mine and life coach Scott Chesney posted a quote today on his facebook that fits this situation perfectly:

“You must find that place within yourself where nothing is impossible.”
Deepak Chopra

My big picture goal is to go from 405.4 (my current weight) to 228 pounds… a goal of 177.4 pounds to lose…

That is an ominous goal but one that I know I have to achieve.  So the short term goals that are needed to start the journey are:

Lose 10 pounds in the next week.
Exercise every day

These 2 sub goals are fairly simple and will start chipping away at the big goal.

I purchased an Apple iPod Nano and the Nike+ unit that will track your runs/walks and will be using it starting today.  It seems that it will be helpful to have a way to track my progress at least on getting some walking in every day.

I have been watching a lot of these weight loss TV shows.. while laying in my bed.  Some of the transformations are amazing and inspirational, but I also know that is real life you don’t have  a trainer full time and the free time to work out 6 hours a day… but I also know that I have a lot of down time in my schedule that could be used to work out…

I will be pulling a little bit from various programs, but I know what I need to know about nutrition and good/bad foods… so I am pretty confident that with the smaller goals in focus that I can keep my mind set to accomplish this.  Keeping the mindset will be the challenge.  I will be using some accountability tools to help keep me focused.. one of these is to update the weight chart on this site daily and another is to link the Nike+ to my facebook account so that any walk/run will be shown in an update.

Thank you all for your support!

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