
 Week #1 is over on my new 2 week goals and it went well…

First, I lost 6.2 pounds out of the 16 I am trying to lose in 2 weeks… not quite half but a good start… As for the Cardio and blogging everyday goals, I rode the bike for 30 minutes and blogged the first 3 days, then tried the Couch to 5K run on day 4 and blogged, rode the bike again and blogged on the 5th day… but I went to sleep early on day 6 and didn’t exercise or blog.  I was trying to decide if I should take a day off exercise since my shins were still in massive pain from the run.. then I fell asleep and that made the decision for me.  The blogging I planned on doing but it was missed because I went to sleep early.  On day 7 I planned to bike and blog, but ended up having massive computer issues that took all evening to correct… after that I had to make a choice of blogging/exercising/showering/winding down before sleep or sleep… I chose to skip both and sleep.  Looking back this was the right decision, but I really wanted to do these everyday.

I didn’t weight train at all and I didn’t meditate either. No real reason other than I just didn’t do it.  I will make more of an effort this half of the goals.

The food part was pretty easy… I followed the LightenUp program and charted all my food exchanges… stayed pretty close to the limits and it worked.  I did make 2 new recipes… Cajun Chicken Breasts and Chicken Pasta Salad.  They were both from RichardSimmons.com and were good, the chicken breasts was really good.  Next on the list is a Mediterranean Frittata.

I have decided to modify one goal and stick with the rest… The goal that I am modifying is to change the Couch to 5K runs each week goal to a modified Couch to 5K on the elliptical (same program, just not running in the street).  This should allow me to get the exercise and not hurt myself so I have to take days off to recover again… after a few weeks of the elliptical then I can try the running version again and see how I do.

Here are the revised goals:
● Lose Weight – Goal weight is 354.2 (16 pounds)by 9/2/09

Weekly (starting 8/27/09)
● Elliptical – Twice per week Use the Couch to 5K audio tracks on the Elliptical instead of running.
● Weight Training – Twice per week
● New Recipe – Once per week make a new recipe from the diet recipies I have.
● Meditate – Once per week using Meditation CD 

Daily (starting 8/20/09)
● Cardio – Everyday do some form of cardio. Bike, Elliptical, jump rope, run, etc.
● LightenUp Food Plan – Everyday chart all food intake.
● Blog – Everyday post a new blog post

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