Quick Sunday blog question (please comment with your reply) … What do you find the hardest thing to stick with when trying to get fit or lose weight?

Is it eating right, being active, getting enough sleep?  Everyone has their difficult habits to break.

For me it has been being active.  I do pretty well with the food part, I mean I have my moments where I lose my mind, but in general I would say that if I could just be active that would solve a lot of my weight/fittness issues. 

An interesting article I read recently in Time magazine (Why Exercise Won’t Make You Thin?) was talking about how going to the gym and doing an hour of execrise doesn’t replace the activity that we use to have in our everyday lives.  “Many obesity researchers now believe that very frequent, low-level physical activity — the kind humans did for tens of thousands of years before the leaf blower was invented”.  The main point of the article is that exercising may actually hurt your weight loss results… interesting concept and there are some facts there that appear to back that up… it is summed up as “it’s what you eat, not how hard you try to work it off, that matters more in losing weight”

While I understand what they are saying I just can’t agree fully with this (for myself anyway).  I know that I am not active enough and I am trying my best to correct that… but even if I eat right and watch my portions I have found that without activity increasing I simply don’t lose weight.  In fact when I was 18 years old and lost 73 pounds in a year the amount of activity I was doing was the main factor in that loss… I was working out and running every night no matter what.  I was dieting too but that alone would not have been enough.

Let’s go get active!

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