A quick list to adjust and build on…

#10 – Cut Portion sizes:
I can eat huge amounts of food… that doesn’t mean I ‘should’ eat huge amounts of food.

#9 – Track All Food:
Every bite that I take needs to be accounted for on my food chart

#8 – Be More Active:
Walk more. Choose to do more active things instead of watching TV or playing on the computer.

#7 – More Vegetables and Fruits:
Make the main portion of each man vegetables and fruits. Salads, side dishes even entrees that have little or no meat.

#6 – Blog Frequenntly:
Use my blog to help stay focused and to make myself accountable for my choices.

#5 – More Cardio:
Get some form of Cardio exercise everyday. Walking, running, biking, eliptical(ing)

#4 – Get Motivated:
Be motivated. And if I am not motivated just suck it up and do it anyway!

#3 – Stay Motivated:
Once I get there do whatever it takes to stay there, through good times and not so good times.

#2 – Have Specific Goals:
“A goal without a date is only a dream” Write specific goals with dates. Keep them current and in focus.

#1 – Stop Being Lazy!
When I think “I should (fill-in physical activity here)…” I need to do it instead of ignoring it.

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