


Weight: 375.4 pounds Loss since 1/8/16 (17 days): 24.2 pounds
Loss since top weight (423.6 on 9/13/10): 48.1 pounds
Percentage of goal lost: 20.30%
Caloric limit: 2080 per day
Next Milestone: Lose 76 pounds (making it the biggest weight loss I have had in my life)
Next Milestone (Goal): Repeat past milestone of losing 76 pounds (target date: 3/3/16 – 38 days)

So here we are again… I haven’t posted since 9/4/15 and we all know what that means when I don’t post.. it means I am out of control again… no focus… (I just realized that if you were reading that, and probably most of my posts, it sounds like I am at an A meeting) Back then I was 361.8… well I went all the way up to 399.6 (possibly higher as I wasn’t weighing myself for a long period of time)…

A lot of things happened and none of it really matters.  Fact is that I had lost a bunch of weight, then gained a bunch, lost some, gained more.. to the point of feeling horrible physically, worrying about my health. upset with myself for gaining almost all of it back… depressed.

I knew exactly what I was doing… I thought about it every time I was eating huge portions.. eating foods that I knew were a bad choice… yet I continued… I would call it a binge but I always thing of a short period of time with a binge.. this was a marathon binge.  I purposely avoided the scale.  My clothes didn’t fit like they had.  People were kind and didn’t say a word when they saw me… no more ‘you look great’ comments…

So why am I trying again? Many things happened… Back in December my friend kristin invited me into her juicing group on Facebook… I have been reading posts and interacting a little in there.. then I had a Cardiogram done… it’s a great story but basically I was supposed to have an ultrasound done under my arm because I have pain and swelling there… the order got mixed up so they did a cardiogram instead… any way that test came back pretty good… I do have some thickening of the heart walls and slight Diastolic Dysfunction… my heart doesn’t relax as much as it should.. both are not a major issue.. yet.. and both and weight related… so my doctor, who always just kind of mentions my weight every appointment, gave me a little lecture.. he said that I need to make the decision to lose the weight because I am at the age now where it will really continue to affect my health… He was really stern about it… so that was the day I started counting calories again… since then I have had my ex-father-in-law (even better story) approach my wife and I and express his concerns with our eating habits and out health which only further emphasized to me how important this is.

So in the past 17 days I have lost 24.2 pounds… the weight always just falls off the first month or so… I am very pleased with that especially since today is Monday… historically it is hard for me to be successful on the weekends.. so this one I stayed really busy on Saturday doing chores… and stayed under my caloric limit both days and lost 4.0 pounds! YEAH!

One big change I made was to take the spare refrigerator in the garage over and clean it out… then I took any of the foods that I frequently eat while counting calories and put them in that fridge.. then I went shopping and bought stuff to load it up with… spending a lot of time at Trader Joe’s and picking up a lot of GREAT items (I am a huge ‘Reduced Guilt’ product fan now!)  So I have a fridge full off lower calorie foods that I can pick from any time.

One Trader Joe’s item I MUST talk about here is the Trader Joe’s Soft Multigrain Rustico Bread… 70 calories per slice and it’s wonderful… the slices aren’t taht big but I have been using it for everything from toast for breakfast to sandwiches to using as a crustini for hummus…  I am really pleased with it!

I will be reviewing a lot of Trader Joe’s products in upcoming posts!  Perhaps a list of ‘Steve’s Top 10 Calorie Conscious Trader Joe’s Picks’?

And the other thing I did was to resurrect my old juice station.  Yep that’s right… the old Omega J8006 is cleaned up and back on the counter along with all my supplies 🙂  Saturday I tested some stuff to see what I could tolerate (I have never like the flavor of any of the juices except the fruit ones) I made plain carrot juice.. on a scale of 1 to 10 I rate it a 6… celery juice 5 out of 10… onion juice 1 out of 10… red kale juice 2 out of  10 and beat juice 5 out of 10… combinations were tested at various percentages and I settled with 50% carrot and 50% celery in honor of my late Grandfather Bruce Palmer who back in the 60’s swore by fresh vegetable juice and made me try it every time we came over.  Today I had 18 oz of carrot/celery juice for breakfast… I am officially a juicer again!

Okay I could go on and on but I wont.. these were my goals when I stopped posting last so they will be my NEW goals:

  • Weight myself daily and log into the chart
  • Count every calorie, EVERY day on
  • Work out in some way daily (walking, exercise bike, elliptical, working with weights will be the approved workouts)
  • Drink at least 56 oz of plain water daily
  • Write here at least once a day (small, quick posts are okay)
  • Work on being less depressed
  • At the end of the week: Lose 8.2 pounds (4 more than right now)

My planned short term goals and rewards:

  • Goal: Exercise 30+ days and lose over 75 pounds
    • Reward: Buy Season 2 of Bates Motel DVD’s
  • Goal #2: Track calories for 90+ days and 100 pounds lost
    • Reward: Buy myself some sort of fitbit type device to wear that will monitor my activity and sleep patterns (one that will integrate with
  • Goal #3: Drink water for 120+ days and lose 125 pounds
    • Reward: As much as I hate using food as a reward, I will go to Fogo de Chão

dehydrationDigestive, skin, bladder and kidney problems, fatigue and headache are just some of the adverse effects from not drinking enough water. We need it as much as air we breathe in! It’s not a joke. Did you know that when you start feeling thirsty your body is already dehydrated? The…More

Source: 11 Reasons Dehydration Is Making You Sick And Fat – Healthy Holistic Living

(modified from: The Brew and the Baker)

14766290727_025141285f_z2 lb dry pinto beans, rinsed
2 bottles Fat Tire Amber Ale 12 oz bottles
1 cup green chile salsa verde
4 Tbsp brown sugar
1/2 small red onion, diced
6 cloves garlic, minced
4 tsp salt
Black pepper
2 tsp chile powder (I used a New Mexican blend)
1 tsp ground cumin

For the Pico De Gallo:
2 hatch chiles roasted, seeded, and chopped*
4 campari tomatoes diced
1/2 small red onion, diced
Juice of 2 limes


Place the rinsed beans, beer, brown sugar, onion, garlic, salt, pepper, chile powder, cumin, and salsa verde in electric pressure cooker. Add  water to cover beans by about 3 inches.  Set cooker for high pressure for 20 minutes.  While that is cooking make pico de gallo by mixing the ingredients, being careful to not make it too hot and adding salt to taste.  Quick release pressure when the 20 minutes is up and open the pressure cooker.  Stir beans and add the pico de gallo.  Add salt to taste and add more chopped Hatch chilies if you want it spicer.  Close pressure cooker and cook for another 20 minutes at high heat. 

Makes about 14 cups

No Pressure Cooker?
Buy one 😉 (affiliate link)

Or this can be made in regular pot on stove by soaking beans first overnight then putting together as instructed and bringing to a boil then reduce heat to a simmer and cook with the lid ajar for ~90 minutes, until the beans are tender.  Add the pico ge gallo. Cover and let stand for 15 minutes.—-

Our rating from 1 (yuk!) to 10 (I’m really not cheating?): 8

Serving size: 1 Cup
Our estimated calories per serving: 224


Weight: 361.8 pounds Loss since 8/12/14 (366 days): 54.2 pounds
Loss since top weight (423.6 on 9/13/10): 61.8 pounds
Percentage of goal lost: 27.10%
Caloric limit: 2080 per day
Next Milestone: Lose 76 pounds (making it the biggest weight loss I have had in my life)
Next Milestone (Goal): Repeat past milestone of losing 76 pounds (target date: 10/14/15)
Target Date Using Overall Daily Average: 7/18/2018 (1044 more days)
Target Date Using Daily Average Since 8/5/15: 2/5/2016 (154 more days)

Yesterdays food log is NON-EXISTENT


I have lost 20.8 pounds in the last 30 days… I can’t be upset, right? But my loss has been stagnant for the last 7 or 8 days.. so I can be upset, right?

I have been struggling a little with staying under my daily calorie limit… Yesterday for example I didn’t calculate my dinner calories until after dinner and the Hatch Chile, Bacon Quiche was higher than I expected so that caused me to go over.  I need to calculate before hand and then stick to it exactly!!

Thanks for reading and PLEASE comment so I know someone, anyone is reading… you don’t have to say much, just say ‘Hi’ and if you have a minute, click on an affiliate ad.. that helps me out too. My goals for the rest of the week are:

  • Weight myself daily and log into the chart
  • Count every calorie, EVERY day on
  • Work out in some way daily (walking, exercise bike, elliptical, working with weights will be the approved workouts)
  • Drink at least 56 oz of plain water daily
  • Write here at least once a day (small, quick posts are okay)
  • Work on being less depressed
  • At the end of the week: Lose 7 pounds

My planned short term goals and rewards:

  • Goal: Exercise 30+ days and lose over 75 pounds
    • Reward: Buy Season 2 of Bates Motel DVD’s
  • Goal #2: Track calories for 90+ days and 100 pounds lost
    • Reward: Buy myself some sort of fitbit type device to wear that will monitor my activity and sleep patterns (one that will integrate with
  • Goal #3: Drink water for 120+ days and lose 125 pounds
    • Reward: As much as I hate using food as a reward, I will go to Fogo de Chão

Interesting article.. I think I will write one on this same subject when I hit 125 pounds lost o-WEIGHT-facebookDon’t get my wrong, I did a lot of stuff right on my weight loss journey. But in hindsight, there are a handful of things I would have changed to make my weight loss experience more pleasurable and less rigid.

Source: If I Started My Weight Loss Journey Over Again, Here’s What I Would Do Differently | Naomi Teeter