Weight loss goals

Today I found a site that is called This Is Why You Are Fat… it is basically a colection of food that people have submitted that are ‘CRAZY’ fattening.. and look oh so good 😉  I suggest you look at the archive to get the full effect. 

So this got me thinking… Exactly ‘why’ am I fat?.. I mean I understand the intaking more calories than what I burn.. and that my diet needs to be balanced and I need to be active… blah blah blah… that’s not what I am talking about… what I am saying is ‘why have I allowed myself to be fat?’ Continue reading

Just a quick note… after last weekends weight gain I was able to get back on track and refocus on the Lighten Up program.. today I weigh 349.2.. that is 57.2 pounds lost from my high of 406.4!!!  And, Since June 8th (when I started the Lighten Up program) I have lost 42.8 pounds!

I believe this is the second largest weight loss that I have even had… and the first one was crash dieting and extensive exercising every day (I was 18 years old at the time.  While I need to make myself exercise more often (I only made it to the gym once this week so far, and have not been on the bike or elipcitac at home at all) but the food part has been relativly easy.  I do lose a protien exchange and a fruit exchange (going from 2405 calories to 2270) but I also get to live longer… so that’s a fair trade.

I feel good… I am wearing jeans again and some of my 3X shirts… I don’t feel as uncomfortable and not as self-concious about my size when I am in a group.
