Wasn’t it just yesterday that we were spreading these on clay sheep? Haven’t tried these yet but I will at some point.

When overnight oats or a bowl of yogurt just won’t do, look to chia seed pudding for an equally healthy and delicious breakfast (or snack) option.

Source: 10 Delicious Chia Seed Pudding Recipes – Life by DailyBurn


Weight: 364.6 pounds
Loss since 8/12/14 (366 days): 51.4 pounds
Loss since top weight (423.6 on 9/13/10): 59.0 pounds
Percentage of goal lost: 25.70%
Caloric limit: 2080 per day
Next Milestone: Lose 76 pounds (making it the biggest weight loss I have had in my life)
Next Milestone (Goal): Repeat past milestone of losing 76 pounds (target date: 9/13/15)
Target Date Using Overall Daily Average: 8/21/2018 (1093 more days)
Target Date Using Daily Average Since 8/5/15: 12/20/2015 (118 more days)

Yesterdays food log is NON-EXISTENT


Quick update… I am counting my calories and staying focused on the goal.. I am seeing progress and will continue as I have been.  Didn’t do so well on my weekly goals… I did count all my calories… and I’m not as depressed.. other than that no goals were met.. so I will repeat them this next 7 days

My goals for the next 7 days are:

  • Weight myself daily and log into the chart
  • Count every calorie, EVERY day on MyFitnessPal.com
  • Work out in some way daily (walking, exercise bike, elliptical, working with weights will be the approved workouts)
  • Drink at least 56 oz of plain water daily
  • Write here at least once a day (small, quick posts are okay)
  • Work on being less depressed
  • At the end of the week: Lose 7 pounds

My planned short term goals and rewards:

  • Goal: Exercise 30+ days and lose over 75 pounds
    • Reward: Buy Season 2 of Bates Motel DVD’s
  • Goal #2: Track calories for 90+ days and 100 pounds lost
    • Reward: Buy myself some sort of fitbit type device to wear that will monitor my activity and sleep patterns (one that will integrate with MyFitnessPal.com)
  • Goal #3: Drink water for 120+ days and lose 125 pounds
    • Reward: As much as I hate using food as a reward, I will go to Fogo de Chão

Pretty amazing… 1000 calories a day!

No matter how much you say abra cadabra to your problem areas, it won’t make it go away!

Source: Penn Jillette Reveals He Lost 105 Pounds Within A Matter Of Months — And He Did It Without Magic! Before & After Pics HERE! | PerezHilton.com

Heard recently that all your weight is lost through your breath… This article says

“There is surprising ignorance and confusion about the metabolic process of weight loss, the correct answer is that most of the mass is breathed out as carbon dioxide, it goes into thin air.”

I have read that it really doesn’t help to do breathing tricks to lose weight, but I am tempted to try this:

The Long Breath Diet claims to blow the weight away

I may buy this book and see what it says first…
Jumpstart Your Metabolism: How To Lose Weight By Changing The Way You Breathe
[amazon template=thumbnail&asin=B0048WPO2A] [amazon template=add to cart&asin=B0048WPO2A]
(Full Disclosure: that is an affiliate link so I earn $$ if you click and buy)

Obviously I wouldn’t stop counting calories but if it helps, why not?

Not going to apologize for the obscure 80’s song reference in the title of the post.. if you don’t know it, get it [amazon text=HERE&asin=B012JLZKCA] (Full Disclosure: that is an affiliate link so I earn $$ if you click and buy)

[amazon template=iframe image&asin=B00FLYWNYQ] I bought the electric pressure cooker to the left (again an affiliate link) a few weeks ago.  I had been wanting a pressure cooker for some time but never pulled the trigger.  But one day, Amazon in it’s infinite wisdom sent me a daily deal on this one… I got it for $99 which is a great price.  When it arrived it was a lot sturdier than I expected, I mean it looks like a big rice cooker… but it’s really well built… a quick cleaning and reading of the instructions and I ran it through a test of just water to see if it worked and to finish the cleaning out…

The first thing we tried was a whole chicken with a lemon sauce… and the first attempt was.. a failure.. I think we didn’t have enough liquid in the cooker.. the chicken wasn’t cooked through.. we finished it off in the oven and fixed the sauce a bit.. after that it was good… but I was anxious to try again.

Since then we have been very successful… we have cooked, beef stew, loaded potato soup, green beans with smoked beef neck meat and pork necks that we made into pork and gravy… all of those went off without a hitch.  I have been gathering many recipes and will continue to try them out.

It’s easy to use and seems to work well so I give it an A!


Weight: 365.8 pounds
Loss since 8/12/14 (366 days): 50.2 pounds
Loss since top weight (423.6 on 9/13/10): 57.8 pounds
Percentage of goal lost: 25.10%
Caloric limit: 2080 per day
Next Milestone: Lose 76 pounds (making it the biggest weight loss I have had in my life)
Next Milestone (Goal): Repeat past milestone of losing 76 pounds (target date: 10/14/15)
Target Date Using Overall Daily Average: 8/9/2018 (1092 more days)
Target Date Using Daily Average Since 8/5/15:10/5/2015 (53 more days)

Yesterdays food log is NON-EXISTENT

I marked the one year anniversary of this diet yesterday and it was bittersweet (like the chocolate)… I started so strong, losing 90 pounds in 196 days!!! and then the focus was lost.. I hung out at around 326 for about a month… then I lost it and as I gained pound after pound I started monitoring my weight less and less.. knowing what was happening, but trying to ignore it… I got more and more depressed about it.. which caused a spiral until I was eventually ‘power eating’ continuously.. resulting in gaining back 65 pounds in only 161 days!

So officially I lost 47.0 pounds in one year… now including the ups and downs in that year I know I lost more than 271.3 pounds in that year (since I stopped monitoring my weight I don’t know exactly, but it has to be well over that amount based on what I do have).. I noticed that people that saw me stopped asking how it was going since it was obvious that I wasn’t losing, but gaining weight…

On a side note… I really appreciate all my friends in trying to be so courteous and save my feeling… but if you are reading this, please feel free to ask, especially if it looks like I am not losing… it might make me feel bad but that will also help in the motivation… you don’t have to be mean.. “Damn you gained a lot of weight” wouldn’t be the optimal thing to say… “Well I guess you failed on your diet” also might not be the best… “How’s the weight loss going?”… “How much weight have you lost?”… something like that would be fine 😉

On 8/5/15 (last week) I was able to focus and get motivated again.. I believe it is as strong a motivation as I had in the past. We will call this Steve 2.0 diet… I have lost 25.3 pounds in 9 days… That in itself should prove how much I was eating prior to that.  To lose that much weight in that period of time while eating a substantial amount of calories each day (right around 2040 per day) is crazy.. not that I am happy about it.. it shows how lost I was… how much my body had just in the digestion process…

I am again adjusting to the changes in my diet and making sure I track and plan my calories every day.  I am struggling with water intake, am not exercising and my mood has been up and down.  I am trying to not beat myself up over the amount of backtracking I did… I literally fell all the way back to where I as on day 29 of the original diet.. 9/8/14.. I lost 11 months time… I have to forgive myself and just look forward to the next goals….

Speaking of goals, my next major goal is ‘Repeat past milestone of losing 76 pounds’… that means get to a weight of 340.0… 25.8 pounds away.  Using past numbers it took me 61 days to go from 365.0 to 339.2 (roughly what this goal is)

“A goal without a date is just a dream”  Milton H. Erickson quotes (American psychiatrist and Hypnotist, ) so I will set this goal target date as 10/14/15 (61 days from today)

I have other short term and long term goals and rewards set-up… all of these will be at the bottom of each daily update.

Thanks for reading and PLEASE comment so I know someone, anyone is reading… you don’t have to say much, just say ‘Hi’ and if you have a minute, click on an affiliate ad.. that helps me out too.

My goals for the rest of the week are:

  • Weight myself daily and log into the chart
  • Count every calorie, EVERY day on MyFitnessPal.com
  • Work out in some way daily (walking, exercise bike, elliptical, working with weights will be the approved workouts)
  • Drink at least 56 oz of plain water daily
  • Write here at least once a day (small, quick posts are okay)
  • Work on being less depressed
  • At the end of the week: Lose 7 pounds

My planned short term goals and rewards:

  • Goal: Exercise 30+ days and lose over 75 pounds
    • Reward: Buy Season 2 of Bates Motel DVD’s
  • Goal #2: Track calories for 90+ days and 100 pounds lost
    • Reward: Buy myself some sort of fitbit type device to wear that will monitor my activity and sleep patterns (one that will integrate with MyFitnessPal.com)
  • Goal #3: Drink water for 120+ days and lose 125 pounds
    • Reward: As much as I hate using food as a reward, I will go to Fogo de Chão

GREAT article!

Level Up to Lose Weight
By Leo Babauta

I know a lot of people who want to lose weight but are stuck, like I was in 2005. They want to get healthy and fit, but can’t seem to stick to a diet or exercise plan. They start, and then fail, and then feel bad about it. This was where I was 10 years ago, and I’m happy to tell you that it’s possible to change. The secret lies in leveling up.Like a video game, the way to changing your health habits is by starting out at the first level, and only going to the next level after you’ve beaten the one before that. The problem is that most people start at Level 10 and fail, and wonder what happened. Most of us want to skip several levels, but we’re just not ready.So the secret is to start at Level 1, and only advance once you’re done with that level. One level at a time, you’ll master the game of losing weight and getting healthy.Here’s my guide to leveling up.

Read the rest here: Level Up to Lose Weight : zen habits


Weight: 368.2 pounds
Loss since 8/12/14 (304 days): 47.8 pounds
Loss since top weight (423.6 on 9/13/10): 55.4 pounds
Percentage of goal lost: 32.00%
Caloric limit: 2040 per day
Next Milestone: Lose 76 pounds (making it the biggest weight loss I have had in my life)
Next Milestone: Repeat past milestone of losing 76 pounds

Target Date: February 6, 2017 (966 more days)

Yesterdays food log is NON-EXISTENT

I’m back with my tail between my legs… I have been out of control with my eating for quite awhile now and it has just gotten worse and worse… I feel horrible and I have lost so much progress… officially I have ‘backtracked’ all the way back to 10/8/2014 or 247 days… I the work, limiting and logging calories… gone… so it’s time to look forward and not dwell and wallow in the past… officially today this is no longer the ‘(Not So) Stealth Diet Update’.. it is my “Lifestyle Update’… this has to be for the long term and no ‘diet’ succeeds long-term… it has to be a lifestyle change.

Before I get into this, first, new site design… was so unhappy with the old design that was just a ‘temporary’ design years ago… finally we have a design I like.. weight themed and bright… Let me know what you think in the comments.  Second, the ads… I am an affiliate for the companies you see on the sidebar… clicking and/or buying from them earns me $$… I wanted to make it clear that I have not tried some of these products/services and am not necessarily endorsing them.  Third, the weight graph at the top has changed… it now is a live copy of my current chart… this was mainly done to make the posting process quicker (which I am doing in an effort to blog much more frequently) Continue reading

Awhile back I posted about Waterever, an electronic water bottle that helps track your water intake..

Well a few of weeks ago I was contacted by Nadya at Hidrate.me asking if I could give them some input on their forthcoming water monitoring bottle… I was shocked that they found me and happy to offer my input..


I talked to Nadya Nguyen, Co-founder at Hidrate.  She was very nice and we talked for a bit.  I offered my limited advice, limited since I have not seen the product in person, only on their website… Truth be told, I was hoping she would offer me a prototype to test, but that didn’t happen 😉

Apparently they did listen.. one of my suggestions was that the price of $50 was too high… I just can’t see shelling out that kind of money unless the bottle did something like keep my water ice cold (even then it may bee too high)… Then I got an email that the are offering an ‘early supporter’ price… so right now, you can pre-order yours for $37.00!  Just go HERE (special is over) and order… (I ordered a black one)

They also have a kickstarter coming up on June 1st… so watch their twitter or facebook for info

The hugely successful KickStarter is HERE… right now you an order one for $45


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