Weight Loss Motivation

So I took a break from weight watchers… I shouldn’t have… I was doing so well… Then I started cheating… tracking less and less… Then finally not at all… And I gained weight… Funny how it always comes back on faster than you can lose it… Well I’m not laughing.

It was a 7 week break… And I gained 17 pounds back…

Today is the second day back fully focused and back on plan… Tracking 100% and well under my points… Lots of fruit… Water… So far so good.

Rather than this blog becoming only a food log and a place for us to stay accountable we would like it to offer tips and motivation to others.  Which brings us to today’s topic…

When undertaking a project like lossing weight there are several things that need to be in place to help ensure success: Continue reading

June 27, 2011… today… this is the day that I have to turn my life around.  I have to focus on the big picture while looking at the smaller goals that are needed to achive the monumental goals that I face.  A friend of mine and life coach Scott Chesney posted a quote today on his facebook that fits this situation perfectly:

“You must find that place within yourself where nothing is impossible.”
Deepak Chopra

My big picture goal is to go from 405.4 (my current weight) to 228 pounds… a goal of 177.4 pounds to lose…

Continue reading

So.. I have been toying with the thought that I have to just say “that’s it” and not wait for some major motivation that has been absent for so long… not wait to find the right thing or person that will trigger me to lose weight and get healthy… I have to quit waiting for myself to have this inner spark… I have just accept that I have to do this and do my best to do what I can to work toward my goals.

That being said I am going to work on just one health related task right now… I am going back to my ‘6 Changes’ (see those posts HERE and HERE) system and working on my first goal.. water intake.

I have posted about water intake and how to increase it (HERE) and in general I drink more water each day than I ever did before that post… but it is hit and miss and I drink too many diet, caffine free sodas right now… so it is back to the measured trick that I used in that post.  Tonight I will be marking a couple of water bottles and starting again.

Tomorrow I will be hydrated… and I will continue to be hydrated every day… in one week I will look at the next area to work on.. Impulse Control

So in looking back at the previous posts I have made I notice a couple of things… first, I tend to post more when I my motivation is high.. and I avoid posting when I fail at a goal…

For example, the April 30 day challenge that I started and was all Gung-Ho on.. for 3 days.. Continue reading

Very late so this will be brief…
Tomorrow (12/1/08) is a new start. I have neglected this blog (actaullly avoided it) and my weight loss (which has become a weight gain) for too long. I have every excuse in the world ready, but know they are all just excuses. So tomorrow I begin again… 100% commited to the Lighten Up Diet, exercise, positive thinking and regaining my health and fitness.

I will write more here tomorrow and explain where I am at right now and where I am going.