lose weight

Weight: 379.2 pounds
Loss since 8/12/14 (42 days): 36.8 pounds
Loss since top weight (423.6 on 9/13/10): 44.4 pounds

I have been trying to find a good way to share my food diary from the day before here and I am getting nowhere… best I could do is to make a PDF out of it and post a link… not sure if this would be beneficial to any of you, but it might be to me so I am starting a new category which is My Food Diary… posts can be seen HERE

CaptureWeight: 384.8 pounds
Loss since 8/12/14 (35 days): 31.2 pounds
Loss since top weight (423.6 on 9/13/10): 38.8 pounds

Sticking to the plan still.. monitoring every calorie I intake and staying under the calorie goal.  My mood has been okay and there have been some really difficult days with cravings, mainly craving to just eat a whole bunch of anything…

Last Friday I had a big dinner.. I stayed under my calories but it was huge.. 18 oz boneless Rib-Eye, mashed potatoes, etc. but that and the weekend definitely tough… I started and eneded the weekend at 387.0 pounds.. so I need to figure out a better way to avoid food at home.

My plan this week is to stay extra focused and keep well under on the calorie limit… try to work some light exercise in at least a couple of days a week and keep pushing to that first milestone.. losing 42 pounds (10% of my starting weight).. that would put me at 374 pounds 😉  If I can get back to the green line and stay there I would hit that goal in just 8 more days!!

If you are reading this please comment.. I always feel like I am the only one reading the posts 😉  Also if you click on any ad  on this site it does help me out 😉

Yesterday was my first Weight Watchers meeting since signing up last week and I lost 7.6 pounds for the week (very pleased with that)… earned my 5 pounds lost star…  I realize now that I really can’t say how my buddies did… don’t want to say anything that they might not want said.. so I will just say that it was great to see them and that having each other for support is going to be a great help to all of us.

Staying on the program was pretty easy.. it is a lot of work to track and plan and prepare foods…  I was able to stay under my daily points everyday and not use and weekly points.

The most challenging and by far the worst meal experience was on Saturday night… Continue reading

It has been 6 days since my last post and my baby step goal was to drink my water and monitor the intake… well I failed miserably, losing focus almost immediately after the post…

So today I start something simple… something that will hopefully keep my focus and let me achive this step… I am using a product that is from a web design client of mine (disclaimer that I have a business relationship with this site and product).. that product is found at www.positivereminder.com

As the site says..

Sometimes, the simplest things are all that are needed to make life changes. So often, what we know we need to focus on is lost in the turmoil of life. We need something to simply remind us to keep focused on whatever it is we have set as a priority or goal in life.

A very simple way to remind yourself to stay positive, but also to stay focused on the goal… I have atached apositive reminder to my water bottle on my desk and will attach more to my other water bottles…

Check out the www.positivereminder.com site, buy some positive reminders and use them to help you achieve your goals.

(disclaimer: PositiveReminder.com is a client of my web site business.  I am not promoting them here for any purpose other than my beliefe that


So today is 4 weeks from when I started the Lighten Up program and when I got on the scale it show exactly 30 pounds lost!

That means 134 pounds left to lose! Very exciting and what a difference in the way I feel… I just did 30 minutes on the Eliptical… that would have been just a pipe dream a month ago… 3 months ago I woudl get winded walking 50 yards to my car! Plus my legs/feet don’t hurt like they were.

A few months ago I was not thinking about being active again, but now I am look forward to getting back on the tennis courts (something I haven’t done in almost 20 years) and other activities!


So it took me a long time to get in the frame of mind that I am in right now.  I have known for so long what I needed to do to lose weight and be healthy.  I have know the risks to my health and my life that being morbidly obese has caused.  I know that I am shortening my life with my family and kids (whom I love very much)… but none of that mattered for so long.

Now I am looking toward the future.  I know I have a long trip to lose the weight and get back in shape, but I see the road there now.. a few weeks ago I saw nothing.  I know it will be hard, but I am looking forward in a lot of ways to proving to myself (and others) that I can do this.

How did I get into this frame of mind?  I tried for a long time to get into it.  I wanted it, but it just wasn’t happening… I was keeping myself from getting there.  I know now that it took reaching out and getting support in return and, in my case, reaching out to someone outside of my circle of family and friends.  I have a wonderfully supportive group of family and friends, and they are there for me whenever I need them, but I needed something else.  I reached out and got some encouragement… then more… and then I found some success and now I am hooked.

I don’t know what will give you that push to get the frame of mind that you need, but I know that if you have tried before and failed, then you need to think outside the box… outside of the circle of support that you have and keep searching until you find it.. it is out there, and you owe it to yourself and your family to keep searching.. just like I did!